Chess Club

Students who sign up for Chess Club will meet on Mondays to play other students competitively and for fun. It’s a great place for those new to the game to learn and those returning to Chess Club to improve their game. There is a small fee that will give students a membership to the Chess Kids app on their school devices and a t-shirt.
Grades: K-5
Meeting Days: Every Monday (start date Oct 7)
Time: 3:05 pm to 4:00 pm
Registration Fee: $45
Registration Link:
*This is a parent-run activity, if your child is in Kinder, 1st or 2nd grade, a parent or guardian must attend each meeting. If your child is in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, please choose 2 dates you can volunteer (via Signup Genius form coming).
Chess Club Contact Info | |
Chess Club Parent Sponsor | |
Jennifer McEnaney |